When you give to Ezra, your tax-deductible contribution supports the Jewish future.

It helps pay our terrific faculty. It helps send students to Washington, to Selma, and to Israel. It brings new books into our classrooms. It supports a community of prayer, good works, and hesed, lovingkindness.

We thank you.

If you prefer to send a check, it should be made out to Ezra Academy and sent to 75 Rimmon Road, Woodbridge CT 06525. We can also accept contributions of stock. Any contribution is greatly appreciated.

We also welcome contributions of your time and talents. To donate—time, effort, or money—is to be part of our community.

Interested in volunteering at Ezra? Please contact our head of school Chris Aguero here.

Ezra also has an active parent-teacher organization, which raises money, throws parties, supports teachers and students, builds community, and generally has a good time.

Want to get involved? Click here to contact current PTO President, Robyn Silverman, or PTO Treasurer, Jessie Pearl.

Looking to pay dues? Click here or send a check payable to Ezra PTO.