Education with purpose.
Join the Ezra community. Now accepting applications for 2025-2026.
Founded in 1966, Ezra Academy is a pluralistic Jewish day school serving greater New Haven and all of Connecticut.
Classical Texts,
Progressive Education
For half a century, Ezra has been known for developing the intellectual abilities of young learners. But we think building character—giving students a foundation in the Jewish ethical tradition—is just as central to our work. We are less interested in where your child goes to college, or how much money your child makes someday, than in the kind of person your child becomes.
We read classical texts. But we celebrate progressive education. That’s not a contradiction—that’s what a true Jewish education is.
We use technology to help us learn, but we keep it in its place. That’s why Ezra students—and teachers—are not allowed to use mobile phones during the school day. We believe in looking each other in the eye, having conversations, and, in the Jewish tradition, helping each other learn, as partners.
An Ezra education is phone-free.
Creating community
Above all, we are a community of students, teachers, and parents. We begin with a Montessori preschool for ages 2 and older, and we continue through eighth grade. But you never really graduate from Ezra. The education our students receive, and the friendships they make, go with them forever.
Visit Ezra, and you’ll see this community in all its aspects.
You’ll see it in our multi-cultural classrooms, where students discover who they are as learners.
You’ll see it at tefillah, music, and at the musical Kabbalat Shabbat on Fridays.
You’ll see it when they make art to celebrate a holiday, or engage in cross-curricular exploration.
You’ll hear our inquisitive learners laughing, talking, and sometimes (yes) shouting.
Ezra Academy is generously supported by: